Friday saw the first week of our new theme "à la ferme" and a lovely selection of farmyard songs. Our songs include:
Dans la ferme de Macdonald (old Macdonald had a farm); baa baa mouton noir (baa baa black sheep); cinq petits cochons (this little piggy); le fermier dans son pré (the farmer's in his den) and sur son petit cheval gris. Most of these songs have their own blog posts if you want the lyrics or other related craft ideas.
For our first farm craft I decided that we would make some animal glove puppets. Little Imp got a puppet theatre for Christmas and is still very excited to put on little shows for us with her puppets and I felt sure that the other toddlers would enjoy making and playing with puppets too.
I bought premade felt glove puppets from a local craft shop and then the children set about decorating them and turning them into animals. To decorate we had a selection of coloured felt and pva glue.
Here are our wonderful puppets to inspire you:
Un canard (a duck)
Un cochon (a pig)
une vache (a cow)
une poule (a hen)
un cochon
un canard
une chèvre (a goat)
un mouton (a sheep)
un cheval (a horse)
un chien (a dog)
Happy singing and crafting! :0)