Sunday, 28 September 2014

Je sais compter - week 2 - un éléphant se balançait...

The inspiration for our craft on the second week of our "je sais compter" theme came from the song "un éléphant se balançait".

This song tells the story of 5 elephants who one after another balance on a spider's web which they find a fun game until suddenly it breaks and they all fall down.  As you can imagine our little ones have great fun pretending to be elephants and falling down when the web breaks.

We made our own spiders' webs by threading wool around paper plates in a random pattern.

We then coloured and glittered 5 little elephants, which I had printed on card before the session, and stuck these onto our spiders' webs.  

Happy singing and crafting! :0)

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Je sais compter week 1 - 5 currant buns / 5 brioches aux raisins

Our first topic of the new term is "Je sais compter" (I can count) and all of our songs for the next few weeks involve numbers and counting.

The songs we are singing are: cinq brioches aux raisins (5 currant buns), il étaient 5 dans le lit (5 in the bed), 5 éléphants se balançait (5 elephants went out to play), voici mes doigts, 5 petits pois (5 little peas) and 5 ouistitis (5 naughty monkeys).  Many of these have featured before on the blog so if you want the lyrics or some craft ideas please browse back through the posts :0)

Our first number related craft is linked to the 5 brioches aux raisins song.  We made 5 currant buns out of card/foam/felt etc and used sticker dots to put currants on.  We then attached them to a paper plate using Velcro so that they can be removed and replaced allowing the children to play with their craft whilst they sing the song :0)

Some fabulous interactive creations there I'm sure you'll agree!! 

Happy singing and crafting! :0)

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

La surprise de Handa

Our final summer holiday session was centered around the lovely story of "Handa's surprise" by Eileen Browne.  Little Imp loves this story in both the original English version and the French translation "La surprise de Handa".

If you are not familiar with the story it is about a little girl Handa who sets off with a basket full of fruit to take a surprise to her friend.  Along the walk the fruit from her basket is taken by various animals without Handa realising and her basket gets filled with falling tangerines.  When Handa reaches Akeyo's village, Akeyo is thrilled with the surprise and Handa is equally surprised at her baskets contents.

The story is a great way to learn some fruit and animal vocabulary.  Those that feature in the story are:

Le singe - monkey
L'autruche - ostrich
Le zèbre - zebra
La girafe - giraffe
L'antelope - antelope
L'éléphant - elephant
Le perroquet - parrot
Le chèvre - goat

La banane - banana
Le goyave - guava
L'orange - orange
L'ananas - pineapple
La mangue - mango
L'avocat - avocado
Le fruit de la passion - passion fruit

To accompany the story, we made our own masks of some of the animals in the story:

Happy singing and crafting :0)


Wednesday, 3 September 2014

La chenille qui fait des trous

Our second story book based session was focused around the story of "la chenille qui fait des trous" (the caterpillar that made holes or as we know it "the very hungry caterpillar" by Eric Carle.

We had fun listening to the story and counting the different fruits and the holes.

We also had a go at the action rhyme la petite chenille:

La petite chenille se promène dans le jardin (hold your left arm horizontal and with your right index finger make a caterpillar crawling along your arm)
Et rencontre une arbre (put your arm vertical and spread your palm out to make a tree)
Elle monte l'arbre (make your little caterpillar climb the tree)
Et dans ses branches elle fabrique un cocon (make a fist with you right hand on your spread palm)
Un jour passe, et puis une nuit (keep your tree arm and with your other arm wave infront of the tree one way for day and back again for night) 
Un jour passe et puis une nuit (as above)
Un jour passe et puis une nuit (as above)
Et la petite chenille se transforme en papillon (make a cocoon with your fist again and then make both your hands into a butterfly by spreading your palms and crossing your thumbs.  Make your papillon fly off).

For our craft we painted our very own chenille using paints, balloons, fingers and brushes and stuck on some eye stickers to complete the look:

Some of the children also had a go at making a papillon (butterfly) by painting on one half of their paper and folding the other side over to print a symmetrical pattern for their butterflies:

Lots of messy fun was had and I'm sure you will agree the final paintings are fabulous!! 

Happy singing and crafting! :0)