Sunday 16 February 2014

Joyeuse Saint-Valentin! Hearts and hugs

As our toddler French sessions run on a Friday, and as this Friday was St.Valentine's Day it seemed only right to have a valentine's theme for the day.

Instead of singing our l'hiver themed songs this week, each child attending got to choose a song that they love for us all to sing.  The choices included "Brille, Brille, petite étoile", "un éléphant se balançait", "flocon de neige, flocon de neige" and "le petit train" and it was lovely to revisit some old favourites :0)

I pondered all week on what craft to choose, and finally it came to me - un câlin (a cuddle).  Asking for un câlin is one of Little Imp's favourite French phrases at the moment and I was thinking about how much family and friends living further away would love a cuddle from her.  How to make a postable cuddle? Quite simply in all honesty! You will need:

A long thin length of card,
An a4 piece of card,
A pencil,
Glue stick,
Red and pink collage materials - we had a selection including foam, felt, tissue paper, crepe paper, ribbon, wool, stickers, etc
Felt pens/crayons 

First, measure your toddler's arm span with the long length of card and cut to the right length, set aside.

On the a4 sheet, draw around your toddlers' hands and draw a large heart.  Cut out the 3 shapes.

Let your toddler go crazy with the collage materials, glue, pens, crayons and glitter to decorate the heart and hands.

Glue the heart into the middle of the length of card and the hands on to either end.

Add some writing if you wish.  We added the phrase "un câlin pour toi" a cuddle for you.

There you have it a perfect toddler sized valentine's hug, when it arrives the lucky recipient can have a hug from the toddler sized arms :0) so cute! :0) and of course not only suitable for valentine's day, you could make them for any occasion.

Here are ours to give you some inspiration:

Happy singing and crafting! :0)

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