Friday 6 July 2012

Savez vous planter les choux?

Do you know how to plant cabbages the way we do?

This funny, nonsense song was our new addition this week.  Sticking to the body parts theme, we had lots of fun singing about how we plant cabbages with different parts of our bodies!  

The song gave the opportunity to introduce some new body parts as well as reinforcing the ones from last week's song.  We had lots of giggles making up new verses to sing and act out!

If you would like to have a go singing at home, the lyrics are as follows:

Savez vous planter les choux
à la mode, à la mode?
Savez vous planter les choux
à la mode de chez nous?

Je les plante avec le doigt
à la mode, à la mode.
Je les plante avec le doigt
à la mode de chez nous.

You can then change the body part with each verse in whatever order you choose.  
For example:
la main - hand; la pouce - thumb; le bras - arm; le coude - elbow; le pied - foot; le genou - knee; l'oreille - ear; les dents - teeth; le nez - nose, etc.

If you are unsure of the tune, there are video clips on you-tube and several versions of the song which can be downloaded from itunes.

Our craft activity today linked to the song involved decorating plant pots and saucers with stickers, ribbons and foam shapes and planting some cabbage seeds.  We then made a little cabbage marker to remind us what is growing in our pots.

Here are the children’s fantastic decorated pots, planted up and ready to take home:

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