Sunday 3 February 2013

V’là le bon vent...

A change in the weather this week with the end of the snow but the appearance of very strong winds which has made Little Imp and I feel like we were going to take-off more than once!  It felt only right then that we should stick with the weather theme from last week and sing this week about the wind.

V’là le bon vent, is a traditional French children's song and Little Imp and I love it.  We have it on CD and it is one we often sing along to in the car - well we join in with the chorus anyway!  There are many verses and they are not very toddler friendly really so I decided that we would just focus on the chorus in the toddler session.  The lyrics in their entirity can be found on the momes website here though for anyone wants to give the whole song a try:
And if you are unsure of the tune, you can find it on Mama Lisa's website here:
The chorus goes like this:
V’là le bon vent,
V’là le joli vent,
V’là le bon vent,
M’amie m’appelle.
V’là le bon vent,
V’là le joli vent,
V’là le bon vent,
M’amie m’attend.
A rough translation:
Here comes the good wind,
Here comes the pretty wind,
Here comes the good wind,
My love is calling me.
Here comes the good wind,
Here comes the pretty wind,
Here comes the good wind,
My love is waiting for me.
Our craft this week was to make a kite - not a real one that would fly but one we could display on the wall or use as a bookmark, etc.
To make your own you will need:
coloured card, wool or string, ribbons, colours, stickers, glitter, etc for decoration.
To make your kite:
Cut a kite shape from your card,
Stick a length of wool on to the back of the card,
decorate your kite using your colours, glitter, stickers etc,
Finally tie bows onto the wool using the ribbons.
Once we had made our kites we sang the song again this time making our kites fly around the singing circle :o)
Here are our fantastic kites for you to enjoy:

Happy singing and crafting! :o)

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