Tuesday 4 June 2013

Dans sa maison, un grand cerf...

Our new song this week kept to the animal theme of ours brun dis-moi from last week as we sang "un grand cerf".

You may be familiar with the English version of this song already "In a cottage in a wood".  The French version differs in that rather than an old man in his cottage it is un grand cerf (a big deer) but other than that it is pretty similar.

The French lyrics are as follows, with actions in italics:

Dans sa maison (make a roof shape with your hands)
un grand cerf (spread your hands out with palms forward, touching the sides of your head with your thumbs to make antlers)
regardait par la fenêtre (put on hand above eyes and mime looking)
un lapin venir à lui (make bunny ears above your head)
et frapper ainsi (mime knocking on a door)
"Cerf, cerf, ouvre moi" (make antlers again and then mime opening a door)
"Ou le chasseur me tuera" (make a gun with your hand)
Lapin, lapin entre et viens (bunny ears again and then beckon with your hand)
me serrer la main (mime shaking hands)

The English version differs slightly and goes like this:
In a cottage, in a wood,
A little old man at the window stood,
Saw a rabbit hopping by,
knocking at his door.
"Help me, help me, help me" he said
"Before the hunter shoots me dead"
Come little rabbit, come with me,
happy we will be.

Our craft this week started with a print out for each child of a rabbit and a deer, a piece of A3 craft paper and free choice from the craft box of materials, glitter glues, colours, etc etc.

Here are their fabulous creations to inspire you:

Happy singing and crafting! :O)

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